Wednesday 22 January 2014

Signs that a guy likes you

Ever wanted to know if that one guy likes you? 

Then you've come to the right place, In this blog I will be going through the signs that a boy might show if he likes you.

Some things you should know about guys

Guys are emotional too! even though you may think, that boys are cold heartless human beings there not. They are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, this gives you time to work out how you feel about them and to tell them! whats the worst that can happen? They say they don't like you back, yes, i know that might be hard to take in at the time but you will still be friends again, and if not, maybe its for the best. but it never hurts to try a second time!

Guys may be flirting all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. So, just because he's flirting with other girls doesn't mean he doesn't like you, he might just be flirting with other girls to see your reaction and see if you care and lets be honest here, guys will do anything just to get you to notice them...

One quick tip, guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex lover. Also they hate it when girls say, "ALL BOYS ARE THE SAME" because this is not true, not all boys are the same, it might just be you haven't met the boy that treats you right yet. 

 The signs a guy likes you

1) You may find the guy looking at you and if you catch him he might look away quickly because he doesn't want to seem like a freak just staring at you, he might feel embarrassed (shy guys!) if he is a bit more confident he may make eye contact with you and hold it. 

2) watch your crushes friends, are they pushing him towards you? Are they looking at you? Are they saying some thing to your crush and then all laughing? Do they seem to know some thing you don't know? It's probably because they do, if a guy likes a girl then they usually tell their friends.

3) Does he always seem to be in the same places you are? Coincidence? No, I don't think so. He probably is trying to get the guts to come and talk to you but can never do it because he gets too nervous.

4)  He may ask you questions like: what was the home work for maths? Even though he knows the answer he just wants to find a reason to talk to you. Or, has he ever just asked you for a pencil or pen? He's trying to find a reason to then later on come up to you and give back your pen/pencil and then start talking to you again.

5) Ask yourself who starts the conversation first? Is it always him? If so, then that's a good sign he wants to talk to you! But maybe, to show your interested in him try starting the conversation first?  But, if you're the one to always start the conversation first then try not texting him and see if he texts you first. If he doesn't don't panic! He might just be busy or have a family event to attend you never know! 

6) Fb... That's all I need to say... Have you got him as a friend on fb? If not why not try adding him? And if you have already got him as a friend, Then say hey! But remember don't keep saying hey, If he replies then yes, you can but if he doesn't don't keep saying 'hey' in a row if he doesn't reply, it just looks desperate and needy.once or twice a day is fine but don't be obsessive. If he doesn't reply he might be busy or his phone might not have any battery. A sign that he likes you is that if he likes your profile pictures and comments on your statuses or tags you in things. 

7) another sign is that he might share things with you. If he has some food for example, some crisps he might ask you if you want one. This is a sign because it's his food, if it was me I wouldn't share my food and if I did share my food I would share it with a special person, yes, including my crush or my close friends. 

8) have you ever felt sad? A sign that he likes you is that if he sees you and you're sad he might ask you what's wrong or ask if he can do anything to make you feel happy.

9) another big sign is that he asks you to hang out with him, yes, this could be him trying to be friendly but think about the situation. If he asks you to go to the cinema just you and him... Come on use your common sense it's just you and him watching a film all alone, apart from the other people in the cinema also if you do go to a film together think about what type of film he picked. Did he pick a scary one? So, when some thing scary happens he can hug you and comfort you. Or, a romantic film? Again, this is obvious you and him watching a romantic film he likes you!!! And now the only thing that's stopping you two going out is, who's going to ask who out first? Now, us girls think it should always be the boy first but, it's said that some boys like it when girls take charge and just ask them out. Boys have quite alto to live up to. Asking out a girl, asking a girl on the first date, making the first move, picking where to go on dates, paying for things and all the other peer pressure from there friends so, just give a break ladies! Wait until he's ready to ask you the special question or if you can't wait just be a woman and ask him out first. 

10) Are you in the same group of friends he's in? Does he pay special attention to you when you speak? Does he try to show off to you? For example him saying he goes to the gym or having abs? These are all signs he likes you! 

11) A guy who leans in while talking or listening to you is definitely interested in what you are doing and saying. This is a sign because most men don’t like directing their bodies towards just one person, especially if they aren’t interested. Leaning in is a sign that a man wants to be as close to you as possible.

12) when he's talking to you, does he stare deep into your eyes? Just keeps on looking into them like he's lost in your eyes. Or, does he look at your lips wishing he could kiss you? Or, does he just stare at the floor or look around and fidget? If he does that he might just be too nervous to look into your eyes, he is interested just really shy and nervous.

13) have you ever worn for example a purple hoodie, then the next day your crush wears a purple hoodie or just a hoodie when he hasn't ever before? He might be trying to get you to notice him. Or, might just want to look the same as you do so you think you have some thing in common. 

14) does he smile at you?  If you notice a guy smiling at you, it’s a pretty good indication he likes you. It’s natural to smile at someone you like, but how do you know if it means something more? Try to notice how often he smiles at you. If he seems to smile at you a lot more than would seem normal, he probably likes you. If he seems to smile at you whenever you lock eyes, for no apparent reason, he probably likes you.

15) This sign is kind of like the Hoddie one. People tend to subconsciously mirror each other’s actions when they are listening to one another intently or they like that person. If a guy mimics your body language, this is a strong sign that  he is interest in you, because it means he’s focused on you. Try leaning forward, touching your hair, taking a sip of your drink, or resting your chin on your hand. If a guy likes you, he might start copying your gestures without even realising he’s doing it.

16) another good sign is, If he laughs at your jokes, even when they aren’t that funny.  

17) have you noticed a change in behavior? If a guy’s behavior changes the minute he sees you, that could be a sign he likes you and is trying to impress you. If he’s in a group and he’s laughing or acting rowdy, he might instantly quiet down when he notices you. Or he might have been quiet and then suddenly gets louder and tries to become the center of attention to impress you.

18) He’s protective of you. If a guy likes you, he may start to act protective of you. He might give you his jacket if you’re cold. Or, if some one is saying bad and negative things about you he will stick up for you.

19) does he act annoyed or jealous when you're talking to other guys? If so, he probably likes you. He might try to look like he’s not paying attention, but he’ll keep tabs on you to see if you’re interested in the other guy. He might even sigh or walk away.

20)  He's flirting with another girl... this doesn't mean he likes the other girl. If a guy’s watching you while he’s flirting with another girl, he’s probably trying to get your attention and your reaction to find out if you like him. Why else would he be looking at you when he’s supposed to be flirting with someone else?

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